April 26th, 2024

50 years of freedom - show "O Princípio da Igualdade"

On April 26th, Afonso Dias presents the project “O Princípio da Igualdade” (The Principle of Equality), part of the “50 Years of Freedom” project.

“I was one of the youngest deputies of the Constituent Assembly and voted, on April 2, 1976, for the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic”.

“With the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April and the 1976 Constitution approaching, I prepared a recital, whose repertoire features poets and composers who are among the most representative of Portuguese culture of the 20th and 21st centuries.”

This project is called “O Princípio da Igualdade” (The Principle of Equality) in honor of the 1976 Constitution and its Article 13.

At 10:00 am, the Escola Básica e Integrada de Martim Longo receives the project “O Princípio da Igualdade” (The Principle of Equality), by Afonso Dias.

Each recital, for approximately 50 students (2 classes), lasts one hour and is made up of poems, songs and excerpts from the Constitution.

At 10:00 pm, it’s the turn of Espaço Guadiana, in Alcoutim, to host “O Princípio da Igualdade” (The Principle of Equality). The show is free entry.


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